In Defence of Marxism Nr. 43

Issue 43 of In Defence of Marxism magazine focuses on the struggle for communism, and is intended to provide a number of important lessons from the history of the Soviet Union and the failed German Revolution. This, we hope, will serve to educate a new generation of communists, who are entering into the struggle today. IDoM 43 is available to order now!


  • Editorial: Are you a communist? by Alan Woods
  • The Soviet economy: How it worked… and how it didn’t by Adam Booth
  • Theatre and revolution: The life and legacy of Konstantin Stanislavski by Nelson Wan
  • 1923: The German catastrophe by Tatjana Pinetzki

To brows previous issues of the magazine and for digital issues and subscriptions, or orders from outside Switzerland please visit the IdoM website!

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Product Details

The International Marxist Tendency proudly presents the relaunched In Defence of Marxism theoretical journal. Translated into multiple languages, readers from all over the world will be able to subscribe, and four times a year will receive the physical magazine, posted to your door. Or you can choose to subscribe to our digital editions, which will land directly in your email inbox.

The theoretical struggle is a key component of the class struggle. As Lenin explained, without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement. Capitalism is facing the deepest crisis in its history. The ruling class can offer no real way forward for the vast majority of people. 

That is the reason they spread a whole array of confused and reactionary ideas. Racism, sexism and all forms of oppression are used, along with the ideas of postmodernism in all its guises, to divide and confuse working-class people and youth – to turn us against each other and atomise the class struggle. Some of these ideas are openly reactionary. Others are given a ‘radical’ cloak.

Engels explained that, alongside the economic and political struggle, there was the equally important struggle for theory. The In Defence of Marxism magazine is joining this struggle, as a tool and a weapon for revolutionary class fighters all over the world, offering serious Marxist analysis on theoretical questions and burning issues of the labour movement. Only the ideas of genuine Marxism can act as a guide to action in the struggle to overthrow capitalism on a world scale.

The In Defence of Marxism magazine is a must have for all advanced workers and youth who wish to arm themselves with the revolutionary philosophy and method of Marxism. Subscribe here to get your copy; read and study it with your comrades, workmates or classmates, and prepare for the dramatic events to come!
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